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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 33% | Distinguished Reading: 13% | Proficient Math: 20% | Distinguished Math: 12%

Principal's Message

Dr. Timothy Cline profile image
Dr. Timothy Cline

Students and Parents

It is my pleasure to serve as Principal at PCCHS! I have been at Pike Central since 2015, previously serving as an English teacher and as an Assistant Principal. I'm proud to be a part of this school and humbled to spend time with these students each day. There is no place I would rather work.

I want to thank the PCCHS School-Based Decision-Making Council members and the Superintendent of Pike County Schools, Dr. Reed Adkins, for allowing me to serve as Principal of Pike County Central High School. I am tremendously humbled by the confidence and trust they have placed in me. I hope that over the coming years, I can validate each of their votes in my favor. 

I would also like to thank each member of our faculty and staff who has mentored me and helped me over the past years. PCCHS is a special place, and I am proud to serve as Principal. I am now the fifth person to hold this office but the first alumnus. That is an immense point of pride for me. This school was a great chapter at the beginning of my story, and I hope that each student we graduate will remember their experiences here just as fondly.

I would also like to thank my lovely wife and our large herd of children for their patience, support, and understanding in the past and future. I must also thank my parents and in-laws, whose contributions to my little family's success are too numerous to list. I have the world's most incredible support system.

Education is my second career; previously, I served in the US Army as a Military Policeman. I was privileged to serve two years as a Drill Sergeant at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. In addition to Missouri, I was stationed at Fort Drum, NY; Fort Knox, KY; and Fort Richardson, AK.  I am also a veteran of the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq.  

My wife and I live in Pikeville with our four daughters: Charity, Phoebe, Daphne, and Chloe. I love to play guitar, read, and paint in oils in my spare time, which is becoming less abundant as my girls grow.  As a family, we spend most of our summers in our yard and vegetable garden and our winters cheering on the Kentucky Wildcats.

I will always try to be at my very best and most professional when I come onto campus each day and give our students the respect they deserve. I'm excited about this opportunity, and I can't wait to see where our road takes us.

I hope to hear from you!  When parents and teachers work together, students win.

Very respectfully,

Dr. Cline




Doctor of Education; University of the Cumberlands, 2021

Education Specialist Degree; University of the Cumberlands, 2018

Master of Arts in Education; University of the Cumberlands, 2016

Bachelor of Arts in English; Ashford University, 2012



The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth.'
-Dan Rather


Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.  
-William Butler Yeats


I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. 
-John Adams